This is our GOLD MEDAL Mead. The 2024 release has a semi dry finish, but a more luxurious wildflower honey crop, which has an underlying hint of Buckwheat, has produced an exceptional mead.
The aim of Baldur’s mead is to give the drinker lots of flavour without the sweetness usually associated with pure meads and really showcase the honey flavour profile by using a natural fermentation method. Once this fermentation has started, we know we have a good inoculation of Brettanomyces (Brett) yeast present. This is the yeast that is responsible for many Belgian beers, such as the Abbaye, Trappist, Dubbel and Trippel styles.
By using a strong flavoured honey, we can recreate a similar flavour profile to Belgian beers. In modern craft brewing, using Brett gives the sought-after funky sour flavours to the generally lighter, hoppy, IPA styles (think ‘Rhubarba Streisand’ from Brew York and similar) with the addition of Lactic acid or Lactose from dairy products.
As always with our ‘wild’ ferments, we take the risk of not knowing exactly what we are going to get. This time Baldur’s Mead has hit the spot we aim for and the batch has a very similar flavour profile to “Gulden Draak”, a beer from Ertvelde in Flanders and aptly named after the golden dragon atop the Belfry of Ghent, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Baldur, like the golden dragon, is the ‘shining one’ – so cheerful he gives off light. Bearing the gold medal, combined with the flavour profile brings about a ‘trippel’ achievement.
Baldur’s Mead has been absent from our line-up now for a few months, due to an unprecedented order from Switzerland which wiped us out of stock, 3 or 4 months ahead of schedule!
So, if you are a fan of pure meads, this batch of Baldur’s Mead is going to blow your mind!
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